Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pursuit of Happiness

Pursuit of Happiness Thread

I had written this post 3 days before XAT 2010 and it is something I cherish.
I was understanding who I was and the answers were there to be found out.

I am: Happy
I think: Sometimes, a little too-much. Working on that.
I know: that everything will be fine.
I want: to do what i love doing ( right now, I want to do well in XAT )
I have: had arguably, the best year of my life ( 2009 )
I wish: that this year as well, I will find out more about myself
I hate: over-eager, over-enthusiastic colleagues at work
I miss: my home-town ( Ranchi ) and the different sights and sounds associated with it.
I fear: nothing in particular
I feel: that life is simple and staying happy is simpler.
I hear: voices in my head . No, actually, songs by pink floyd most of the time.
I smell: ( I have a dead nose ) , that things are turning out just the way they were supposed to.
I crave: for the day I'll change the lives of the not-so-priviledged and the ensuing satisfaction within me . ( Sounded phoney and hollow to me a year ago, now it doesn't ).
I search: for happiness in the little things in life ( have to thank Prem Bhai for his great post, the great poet Iqbal also said this, so did Chetan Bhagat at Symbi)
I wonder: if this year will be even better.
I regret: my procrastination. Again, working on it .
I love: Pink Floyd, Calvin n Hobbes, Maggi, Pasta, Comedies, watching Rooney play.
I ache: for the people who do not get opportunities like us
I care: for my family, my friends, myself and for God.
I am not: an extrovert.
I believe: that one should find his true-calling ( Step 1 ) and have the conviction to follow it ( Step 2 ).
I dance: when I am delightfully high
I sing: when I am alone.
I cry: when I am alone and sad. ( touch - wood ).
I don’t always: 'be myself'.
I fight: when I see something unfair and can't remember the last fight.
I write: about the world as I see it.
I can usually be found: on Gtalk, FB.
I need: to spread this happiness
I am happy about: who I am ( right now ).

Amazing questions.
Great way to do some soul-searching.

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